Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Green Table: a 4-point starter kit to energy efficiency

1 - Our appliances use about 18% of a typical home's total energy bill. The refrigerator is one of the biggest energy hogs. so if you have a second older one, you might consider getting rid of it or upgrading to something newer with an Energy Star rating. According to the Energy Star site, if just one in 10 homes used energy-efficient appliances, it would be equivalent to planting 1.7 million new acres of trees.

2 - Save water. The Web site "Water -- Use it Wisely," created by a group of Arizona cities, list 100 simple ways to save water.

3 - Be aware of the thermostat... almost half of our energy cost comes from heating or cooling.

4 - Light your home the energy efficient way... by using Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs) you can use 66% less energy than the standard incandescent bulbs. The upfront cost is a little more, but they last 10 times longer.

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